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When shall we overcome?

As I do at every annual commemoration of our hard won independence from colonial subjugation, this year I waited for ..

  • 192
© Boom supersonic plane in flight. (PRNewsFoto/Boom Technology, Inc.)

Boom shows off its XB-1 supersonic demonstration passenger airliner

If you’re old enough to remember the Concorde, then startup Boom‘s plans to bring supersonic flight back ..

  • 118

Post -Election Ghana and the quest for a just society

At my polling station in Kaneshie, nothing untoward happened. Voters patiently stood in line waiting for their turn t..

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Ghana's Elections: Down to the wire

Mr. Mahama's National Democratic Congress (NDC) is fighting hard to remain in power against the rising momentum o..

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SF Muni Hack a Wake-Up Call for Public Systems

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority, or SF MTA, was hacked on Friday.

"You Hacked, Al..

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2018 Audi TT RS Roadster

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The women who love Boko Haram

At a safe house in Nigeria, the wives of Boko Haram fighters share stories of the men they married.


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Ghana: The danger of falling standards

With barely 3 months till we go to the polls it is apparent that there are indeed many versions of Ghana at issue. So..

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NVIDIA's Shield is now an all-in-one Plex box

Everybody loves Plex, but it's always been a stumbling point for novice users that it still needs a dedicate..

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Drone Taxi Cleared for Flight Tests in Nevada

One of the coolest things to come out of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this past January was Ehang&..

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Democracy and accountability under attack in today’s Ghana

We have got to be better than this. By 2008 we had the distinction of being a country with one of the highest indices..

  • 182

Biblical take: On unity and broad consultation

In my final year at OKESS, I used to lead Church services by introducing preachers. Since then, I have had an endu..
  • 122
Showing 25 to 36

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