Whiles the winds blew with sharp blades Cutting the lips of mothers, fathers and their babies In this season, when evil men rape our villagers Give birth to evil children, who grow up into beasts With bachelor’s degrees in corruption, masters in lies In this times, when priest turn magicians, In this times, when law makers, turn susu collectors.
A mysterious baby would soon be born, Zina would be her name
From far and near people will come in their numbers, to pay homage
Whiles the village men chant war songs Mothers would dance, till their wrappers get torn Our saviour is come; others will sing praises
The devil would be extricated and the judgement for the just will be loosed.
She will be the prettiest girl in the world With the eyes of an angel, claws of a black panther She will cry like a baby but roar like a lion
She will be a dove in the day, a vulture at night With a smile of a baby, she will hide the venom in her teeth She is a curse, a punishment for the wicked She is a voice for the voiceless, a walking stick for the just She will reward everyone according to their own deeds
The good receives favour, whiles the evil cursed Evil men will never escape her wrath, neither will they go unpunished In this land of the living, nobody will be spared Beware, the coming of Zina is at hand!!
Source: Opare, Opare O
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