Men are natural born leaders! At least, some of us are. However, a man cannot lead without a guiding light. The guiding light, in my opinion, is a woman. Without her, the man would wander in darkness. Without her, the man would lead himself astray!
In short, a woman illuminates a man, just like how the moon illuminates the night. Remember, not only is the heart of a woman good, it’s also golden! I attended a mixed-school during my brief stay in Ghana. Of course, one of the many advantages of a mixed-school is that, as a boy, you get to learn a lot about girls. I remember sharing the classroom with, at least, ten girls and twelve boys. To tell the truth, the girls were simply brilliant. Some of them were brilliant in mathematics, others were magnificent in literature. As for the boys, some were good, others weren’t too good academically. I, for one, excelled in philosophy and literature. Later on, I fell in love with mathematics.
Our school was a private one! The owner of the school, who also happened to be the headmaster, wanted to create a school for the elite. As a result, he made sure that the quality of the school was well kept. We were taught by brilliant teachers who were in love with excellence! They made sure that we were taught well. In time, however, the school-fees became unpayable for some. Regrettably, some were forced to leave.
During my brief tutelage at that school, I witnessed, firsthand, that girls do have beautiful minds. Tough, I don’t know what becomes of their minds, when they fall in love. I had the good fortune of sharing the classroom with a girl by the name of Lily Akos Ambrose. In terms of knowledge, this girl was simply magnificent. She was very well versed in everything. Her curiosity, without a doubt, exceeded that of a cat. For sure, the teachers appreciated her wits! As consequence, she became their darling.
Sometimes, Lily would be called to stand in should a teacher call in sick. We the boys used to tease her a lot, but she couldn’t be bothered. She knew that we were no good! Ama Ampadu was one of those girls at our school, who displayed mathematical brilliance. She was, perhaps, the closet to the word genius. This girl calculated everything using her head. This is how remarkable she was! In secret, I had a crush on her, but I kept it well hidden. Back then, I was too shy a fellow! Whilst at school with these girls, I had a feeling that these girls would move Ghana forward someday. After all, I had no cause to believe otherwise. Evidently, their brilliance was exceptional.
Regrettably, my premonition has yet to come to pass. By now, I was expecting some of these old school mates of mine to be active in our political arena. Needless to say, I don’t see them when I look.
You know, Ghana’s political arena has become a playground for men. The sad thing is, we the men don’t know what we are doing. For years, we’ve been wandering in darkness without a guiding light. For years, we’ve been displaying incompetence after incompetence. In short, we’ve been making a mess! As a result, our dear country has become laughable. All that we seem to do is just talk and talk! In fact, we’ve been talking for so long that we have forgotten how it feels like to act accordingly.
We have forgotten how it feels like to be men of action! We have forgotten how it feels like to be responsible! Our women, I believe, deserve to be put in places where they could have the most positive impact on our society. In my opinion, co-governance of this country should be opted. I mean, a male and a female. For instance, the trend of a male presidential candidate choosing another male as his running mate should be abolished. To me, this trend is nothing short of gay. It’s just another way of rendering our women incompetent and useless! Therefore, a presidential candidate, if male, should choose a competent female as his running mate, and vice versa.
That said, as a Ghanaian bloke, I must confess that we Ghanaian men have been a major to disappointment to our country. Yes, we have let this country down big time. In fact, we have been acting like boys instead of men! Ghana, with all her wealth, doesn’t need for us to beg. No! We the men, however, have reduced ourselves to beggars. Simply because; we only know how to manage wealth poorly. For instance, we are always running to the White-man with a beggar’s cup in hand.
Instead of us creating jobs for ourselves, we keep running to the White-man begging him for jobs. Instead of us building our own houses, we employ the Koreans to do this for us. Tell me; how do we expect to be respected like this? Better yet, how do we expect our women to respect us? You know, nobody respects a man who keeps begging from another man to feed himself, his wife and children. Nobody! Unfortunately, this is the kind of men whom we Ghanaian men have become. We’ve become good for nothing! We’ve become unworthy of respect! Failures! My fellow Ghanaian men, do y’all hear laughter? Yes, the Whites and the Koreans are laughing. And, you know at whom? At us! Welcome 2 the age of Consciousness!
Source: The Emperor
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